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Bauchi man apprehended for trying to kill his wife with a pestle

The Bauchi State Police Command reported the apprehension of a 35-year-old individual in the Bauchi metropolis for allegedly attempting to murder his wife using a pestle.

As per the police account, his plan involved killing his wife, liquidating the television set in their residence, and utilizing the funds obtained to set up his business.

This information was conveyed in a statement released to the press on Saturday by the state Police Public Relations Officer, Ahmed Wakil. The statement was titled, ‘Spouse conceals identity, perpetrates assault on his wife.’

Wakil, a Superintendent of Police, revealed that the individual admitted, during the course of the investigation, to fabricating a false alarm about a supposed break-in by thieves into his residence.

He stated, “On December 2, 2023, officers from the ‘A’ Divisional Police Headquarters in Bauchi apprehended Tijjani Ahmadu Diye, a 35-year-old male, on charges of assault, inflicting serious injuries, and attempting to commit the offense of culpable homicide.”

Upon receiving the report, a team of detectives promptly responded to the scene and transported the victim to the Specialist Hospital in Bauchi, where she received necessary medical care. Preliminary investigations indicated that the accused readily admitted to the charges leveled against him without much resistance.

In his confession, the individual falsely claimed that armed robbers had entered their home. Swiftly, he entered the bedroom, encountered his wife, instructed her to cover her head with a scarf, left the room, covered his face with a scarf, armed himself with a pestle, returned to the bedroom, and began assaulting her with the pestle.

The suspect went on to confess that his intention was to incapacitate his wife, take their television, and sell it to generate funds for furnishing his shop.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) stated that the Commissioner of Police, Auwal Mohammed, has directed the case to be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department for a discreet investigation to uncover more details about the incident. Subsequently, the suspect will face charges in court.

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