Kwara land agent, aged 63, passes away while in custody

The Oke Kura Correctional Facility in Ilorin, Kwara State, was struck by tragedy when 63-year-old land agent, Alhaji Taye Hussein Abubakar, passed away on a Friday morning. Abubakar had been detained for over four months, reportedly due to legal disputes arising from his involvement in land deals. His demise left the community mourning and raised questions about the circumstances surrounding his death.

Contrary to widespread rumors, Phillip Adegbulugbe, the Public Relations Officer for the correctional facility, clarified that Abubakar passed away in a hospital, not within the confines of the prison. However, a relative of the deceased accused both the judiciary and the correctional facility authorities of neglect. According to the relative, Abubakar, who was released on bail but couldn’t appear in court due to illness, was detained without a court appearance for several months, leading to his alleged abandonment.

Adegbulugbe confirmed the passing of the land agent, attributing it to complications from a kidney-related illness while receiving treatment at a hospital. He emphasized that Abubakar did not die in the correctional facility but was taken to the General Hospital in Ilorin, where he passed away. However, Elizabeth Ajiboye, the Head of Corporate Affairs at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), denied any knowledge of the incident when contacted by a media source, adding another layer of confusion to the situation.

The circumstances surrounding Abubakar’s detention and subsequent death have sparked controversy, with allegations of neglect and lack of proper medical care. The relative claimed that Abubakar’s deteriorating health condition was known to the authorities, yet he was allegedly denied bail despite pleas for his release. The conflicting accounts from officials and the denial from the hospital further underscore the need for a thorough investigation into the events leading to Abubakar’s passing and the conditions within the correctional facility.

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