In the early hours of Tuesday, a devastating fire tore through several shops at Owode Market in Offa, Kwara State, leaving behind a trail of destruction. A video shared by SaharaReporters captured the heart-wrenching scene as shop owners mourned the loss of their property amidst the raging flames. Expressing shock and disbelief, one trader speculated that the fire might have started from cooking activities rather than an electrical fault, underscoring the scale of the catastrophe.

Efforts to contain the inferno were eventually successful, with personnel from both the Federal Fire Service and Kwara State Fire Service managing to quench the flames. However, the damage was extensive, with at least five shops reported to have been affected by the blaze. While authorities continue to assess the situation, the full extent of the losses incurred remains uncertain, pending further investigation and evaluation by the fire service.

This unfortunate incident adds to several recent fire outbreaks in Kwara State, reflecting a recurring challenge for residents and businesses alike. Just eight months prior, a midnight fire ravaged a residential building in Offa, causing substantial damage estimated at N6.5 million. Additionally, in December of the previous year, reports emerged of two separate fire incidents in the Tanke area of Ilorin, where 14 shops were destroyed, further highlighting the pressing need for enhanced fire safety measures and vigilance within the community.

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