Yesterday, in Kagarko town, a heartwarming event unfolded as Brigadier-General YD Ahmed, the Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), exhibited his generous and fatherly nature by gifting a cow to the NYSC corps members serving in his hometown and local government area. This act of kindness was in celebration of the Salah festival.

All the corps members, along with the Local Government Inspector, Mr. Suleman Aminu Tanimu, gathered together as the cow was slaughtered for the celebration. The corps members were deeply appreciative of the DG’s gesture, recognizing his care and affection for every member serving in the league and other states. They expressed their gratitude for the privilege and could not take for granted the attributes displayed by the DG.

Corps Members with The Director General of NYSC – Brigadier-General YD Ahmed

According to a correspondent who is also a corps member, the DG is described as a man of few words but whose philanthropic actions speak volumes. He is seen as a father figure and a champion of youth welfare, ensuring that corps members feel secure, at home, and well taken care of. His display of fatherly affection towards the corps members goes beyond mere words and resonates deeply with those he serves.

Corps Members with The Local Government Inspector- Mr. Suleman Aminu Tanimu

Corps Members with Their Salah Package

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