Masked gunmen seized Eze Samuel Ohiri, the Traditional Ruler of Orodo Autonomous Community in Imo’s Mbaitoli Local Government Area, from his residence. The four-member gang, heavily armed, arrived in a green Toyota Highlander, storming the residence of the former Chairman of Imo Council of Traditional Rulers. Despite the swift and stealthy nature of their approach, the ruler’s cousin narrowly escaped their grasp.

Under the cover of a commando-style operation, the abductors forcibly took the traditional ruler and sped off towards Umuaka-Orlu Road in their vehicle, as recounted by a source from the palace who chose to remain anonymous.

The Imo Police Spokesman, ASP Henry Okoye, confirmed the abduction, stating that the police had initiated a thorough investigation. Okoye assured the public of the police force’s commitment to rescuing the victim and bringing the kidnappers to justice.

Tragically, the abduction and subsequent murder of traditional rulers have regrettably become recurring incidents in Imo. Not long ago, on November 25, 2023, gunmen kidnapped Eze Joe Achulor, the Traditional Ruler of Otulu Autonomous Community in Ezinihitte-Mbaise LGA, following a disturbingly similar modus operandi. Shockingly, they ended his life that same day, abandoning his deceased body on Mbutu Road in a neighboring community within Aboh-Mbaise LGA

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