Ibrahim babangida

I Gave Nigeria My Best as ‘President,’ Affirms Babangida

The ex-military leader emphasized that young Nigerians should make an effort to familiarize themselves with and comprehend the country, as they will be responsible for its future leadership.

In an exclusive interview at his Hilltop residence in Minna, former military president, General Ibrahim Babangida, opened up about his tenure as Nigeria’s leader, citing his greatest achievement as gaining a profound understanding of the country and fostering relationships across various segments of society.

Babangida, who served as Nigeria’s leader from 1985 to 1993, emphasized the importance of a leader’s ability to balance coercion and dialogue.

During the interview with journalists, Babangida was asked to rank his achievements throughout his career. He responded, “Number one is that I served the country the best I could.

It may not be to everyone’s satisfaction, but to the best of my ability; I leave that to history to judge.” He went on to highlight his positive interactions with the people, stating, “I related fairly well with the people of the country.

I had no problem with them, and I got to know the country more as I was well-traveled. I made friends all over the country, and I thought that was one of the greatest achievements.”

Babangida, often referred to as IBB, offered advice to younger Nigerians aspiring to leadership roles, urging them to invest time in understanding the country and its diverse population.

He emphasized the significance of studying the nation, its people, and their needs, asserting that this understanding would be crucial for future leaders.

“You have an opportunity now as young people, get to know the country, study the country, the people, and if you are able to do that or to understand that, basically I think that will go a long way to prepare you for the eventual leadership of the country,” he advised.

Discussing leadership styles, Babangida explained the multifaceted nature of leadership, stating, “Just like any other style, you are placed in a leadership position; your job is to lead people. You develop a situation where people look up to you to provide certain solutions to their problems or fears.”

He added that effective leadership required studying human behavior, being compassionate, and employing different approaches, including both persuasion and coercion.

The interview also touched upon Babangida’s experiences during the Nigerian Civil War. He expressed the sadness of the conflict and voiced a strong desire to avoid its repetition.

Babangida specifically highlighted the emotional difficulty of fighting against those he had trained with for the unity of the country.

As General Babangida shared his insights and reflections, his words provided a glimpse into the challenges and complexities of leadership, offering valuable lessons for current and future leaders in Nigeria.

By dworldgist.com

Peter Ritdung Wakkias is a Nigerian blogger and programmer, known for being the CEO of www.dworldgist.com and www.gospelrespec.com. He holds a Higher National Diploma in Computer Science from Isa Mustapha Agwai 1 Polytechnic Lafia. Based in Lafia, Nasarawa State.

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