Credit: 21stcenturychronicle

Gombe Legislators Approve 2024 Budget of N208 Billion

In a recent session, the Gombe State House of Assembly greenlit the state’s 2024 budget, amounting to N208.064 billion. This figure represents a slight uptick of N300 million from the initial N207.750 billion presented by Governor Alhaji Muhammadu Yahaya.

The breakdown of the budget estimate, disclosed in a statement by the Chief Information Officer of the House, Mr Umaru Ma’aji, highlights key allocations.

Speaking on behalf of the Assembly, Speaker Abubakar Luggerewo expressed gratitude for the lawmakers’ support and cooperation, emphasizing the meticulous handling of the appropriation bill.

During the presentation of the committee report, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, Alhaji Aliyu Manu, noted that several budget officers in Ministries, Departments, and Agencies were not well-versed in the budget provisions guided by the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework.

The committee recommended that the budget office transmit the executive council’s approved budget to ministries and approve the total budget size of N208.064 billion for Gombe state.

The 2024 budget, themed ‘Budget of Continuity and Consolidation,’ places a significant emphasis on concluding ongoing projects initiated during the governor’s first term.

A substantial 43% of the budget is allocated to the economic sector, while 11% is earmarked for the social sector.

After thorough consideration, the bill was read for the third time and officially passed into law. Speaker Luggerewo commended his colleagues for their unwavering support and cooperation during the committee’s deliberations.

Additionally, the House passed a resolution to send a reminder to National Assembly members representing Gombe North. The reminder urges them to follow up on the dilapidated condition of the Gombe Funakaye – Nafada Road, a project previously awarded but currently lacking funding.

The House Committee on Works and Transportation, chaired by Mustapha Hassan, confirmed that the project was included in the 2024 budget of the Federal Government following consultations with relevant authorities.





Peter Ritdung Wakkias is a Nigerian blogger and programmer, known for being the CEO of and He holds a Higher National Diploma in Computer Science from Isa Mustapha Agwai 1 Polytechnic Lafia. Based in Lafia, Nasarawa State.

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