Breaking News: Exclusive OSP Memo Leak Unveils Unwavering Public Support – Barker-Vormawor Throws Weight Behind Kissi Agyebeng!

In a show of solidarity, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, a prominent member of the FixtheCountry Movement, has come forward to support the embattled Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) and its head, Kissi Agyebeng, following recent criticism stemming from a leaked memo.

The controversy arose after GhanaWeb reported on December 10, 2023, that the OSP had requested GH¢30 million worth of vehicles from the Ministry of Finance.

The request, which included four types of armored-plated vehicles and twelve types of soft/light-body vehicles, amounted to GH¢29,952,000. This revelation led to public scrutiny and raised questions about the financial decisions of the Special Prosecutor’s office.

In a social media post shared on Monday, December 11, 2023, Barker-Vormawor alleged that the government intentionally leaked the memo to tarnish the reputation of Kissi Agyebeng and the OSP.

He asserted that such actions have been a recurring strategy whenever Agyebeng highlights the challenges faced by his office in the fight against corruption.

“The leak of a memo from the OSP office to the Ministry of Finance is such cheap and infantile politics that I do not understand why our Government continues to play this game,” Barker-Vormawor expressed in his post.

He further emphasized that the constant leaking of documents is a ploy to undermine Agyebeng’s credibility whenever he voices concerns about the lack of support in combating corruption.

Encouraging the Special Prosecutor not to lose faith, Barker-Vormawor stated, “The task of fighting corruption demands that we be twice vigilant. If not, we will be roped into the machinations of our oppressors. OSP continue! You have the people’s support!”

The post by Barker-Vormawor highlights the growing frustration among supporters of the FixtheCountry Movement and advocates for transparency and accountability in the government’s efforts to combat corruption.

As the controversy unfolds, Ghanaians await further developments and the response from the Office of the Special Prosecutor.


Peter Ritdung Wakkias is a Nigerian blogger and programmer, known for being the CEO of and He holds a Higher National Diploma in Computer Science from Isa Mustapha Agwai 1 Polytechnic Lafia. Based in Lafia, Nasarawa State.

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