Assembly Panel Investigates Shaibu for Leaking Government Secrets

The Edo State House of Assembly accused Deputy Governor Philip Shaibu of leaking government secrets and committing perjury, initiating impeachment proceedings against him. This move intensified the existing rift between Shaibu and Governor Godwin Obaseki, stemming from Shaibu’s aspiration to join the Edo governorship race.

The Assembly alleged that Shaibu divulged state secrets in an affidavit filed in an Abuja lawsuit, violating the oath of secrecy and constitutional provisions. His lawyer’s attempt to suspend the proceedings was rejected by the panel, which argued that the Constitution did not permit courts to halt impeachment proceedings.

Despite Shaibu’s lawyer’s objection, the panel continued its proceedings, adjourning for Shaibu to present his defense. However, Shaibu’s lawyer excused himself from further participation, citing an upcoming court hearing in Abuja challenging the impeachment. The panel chair affirmed the panel’s authority to proceed with the investigation, emphasizing the need to obey court decisions.

Shaibu’s lawyer insisted on compliance with the court’s directive, signaling that his client would not continue to participate in the investigation. Despite this, he clarified that they were not challenging the panel’s ruling but were obligated to obey the court’s instructions.

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