In Awka, a lawyer named Adachukwu Okafor has been detained at the State Criminal and Investigative Department custody, following allegations of causing physical harm to her 11-year-old housekeeper. The incident took place at Okafor’s residence on Chris Igwilo Street, Akapka GRA, 3-3 Onitsha, Anambra State.

Okafor appeared before the Children, Sexual, and Gender-Based Violence Court, led by Judge Genevieve Osakwe, on Wednesday. The charges against her include accusations of using items such as a broken bottle, knife, and electric iron to injure her house help in response to an altercation involving her daughter.

She faces two counts primarily related to intentionally causing physical harm to Happiness Nwafor, under Section 4(1) of the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition and Protection) Laws of Anambra State of Nigeria 2017.

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