No love at night-Rivers women

In Port Harcourt, Rivers State’s capital, a scene unfolded on Tuesday that captured attention as a group of women staged a protest at the office of the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHED) over prolonged power outages.

Hailing from the Mile 2 and Mile 3 neighborhoods of Diobu, Port Harcourt, these women took a stand by blocking the entrance to the PHED office near Isaac Boro Park. Their grievance? The incessant power cuts have disrupted their lives, particularly affecting their intimate time with their spouses due to the oppressive heat waves aggravated by the lack of electricity.

Armed with placards bearing messages expressing their frustration, the protesters marched through the streets of Diobu, including Wokoma, Dim, Wokoma Lane, Obaziolu, Dim Lane, Egbuagu, Azikiwe, and Ojoto Streets, before converging at the PHED office to voice their discontent.

Their placards conveyed poignant statements such as “We lack intimacy with our husbands,” “Our nights are devoid of affection,” “No power, no payment,” and “The heat is unbearable,” beseeching PHED to address their plight and restore normalcy to their

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