Nigerian Researchers Ready to Aid Potatoes Farmers

The National Root Crop Research Institute revealed during its 2024 Annual Review and Planning Workshop that with adequate funding, Nigerian researchers possess the capability to develop biotechnology and locally transform potatoes. The institute highlighted plans to provide farmers with genetically modified potatoes resistant to late blight disease through government-funded research efforts.

Dr. Charles Amadi, the Principal Investigator of the Global Bio-Tech Potato Partnership in Nigeria, outlined the project’s objectives during his presentation. He emphasized the importance of building local capacity, noting that Nigerian scientists have undergone specialized training in potato transformation techniques. However, sustained funding is crucial to ensure the project’s continuity and the establishment of a transgenic laboratory.

While the project is currently supported by USAID, Amadi stressed the need for government backing to maintain ongoing research and infrastructure development. He emphasized that the success of bio-tech potatoes hinges on securing sufficient and timely funding, along with the necessary infrastructure and security measures.

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