Navy Warns Criminals to Stay Away from Niger Delta Region

The Nigerian Navy Ship Delta issued a stern warning to criminals, urging them to avoid its areas of operation or face severe consequences. Commodore Abba Muhsin, the commander of NNS Delta, delivered the cautionary message to criminals during a quarterly Route March by naval personnel in Warri on Saturday.

Muhsin emphasized that the NNS Delta’s operational zones were not hospitable to criminals and urged them to vacate the area peacefully. He underscored the navy’s commitment to maintaining peace and security in the region, urging criminals to desist from illegal activities.

The Route March, which commenced at the Warri Naval Base and concluded at the Navy base, showcased the Navy’s readiness, physical fitness, and military spirit among its personnel. Muhsin highlighted the significance of the exercise in reinforcing the Navy’s core values of teamwork, professionalism, and integrity.

Additionally, Muhsin stressed the importance of civil-military relations, expressing gratitude to the people of Delta State, particularly the residents of Warri, for their support. He emphasized the Navy’s dedication to protecting the community and fostering a positive relationship with civilians. Moreover, Muhsin advised naval personnel to maintain good conduct and exercise caution in using social media, emphasizing the need to uphold acceptable standards online.

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