Kim Jong UnFILE PHOTO: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) attends a grand military parade held at Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang to commemorate the 90th founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army. STR / KCNA VIA KNS / AFP

Kim Jong-un directs North Korean military to prepare for potential war

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un concluded the year with renewed threats of a nuclear attack on Seoul and orders for a military buildup, citing the potential for a war that could erupt on the peninsula at any time, as reported by state media on Sunday.

Kim criticized the United States during an extended speech after five days of year-end party meetings that established the country’s military, political, and economic policies for 2024.

The meeting outlined plans for further military development in the coming year, including the launch of three additional spy satellites, the construction of unmanned drones, the development of electronic warfare capabilities, and the strengthening of nuclear and missile forces, according to the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

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This year, Pyongyang achieved significant milestones, such as launching a reconnaissance satellite, solidifying its status as a nuclear power in its constitution, and test-firing its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

Accusing the United States of posing various military threats, Kim ordered the armed forces to maintain overwhelming war response capability, as reported by KCNA.

The meeting concluded that the potential for a war breaking out on the Korean peninsula is a fait accompli due to the enemies’ reckless moves to invade the DPRK.

In response to perceived provocations, the United States deployed a nuclear-powered submarine in the South Korean port city of Busan and conducted drills with Seoul and Tokyo using long-range bombers.

Kimstressed that the military should rapidly respond to any potential nuclear crisis and prepare for a significant event to suppress the entire territory of South Korea.

He announced a shift in strategy, stating that he would no longer seek reconciliation and reunification with South Korea due to an uncontrollable crisis triggered by Seoul and Washington.

Inter-Korean relations have worsened, with Pyongyang’s spy satellite launch prompting Seoul to partially suspend a 2018 military agreement aimed at defusing tensions.

Kim’s order to reorganize departments handling cross-border affairs aims to fundamentally change the principle, reflecting the deteriorating relations.

Experts suggest that North Korea’s emphasis on its military capabilities may be a tactic to divert attention from its economic shortcomings, with the bellicose rhetoric serving both domestic politics and international coercion purposes.

North Korea declared itself an irreversible nuclear power in 2022 and remains adamant about retaining its nuclear weapons program, viewing it as crucial for its survival.

The United Nations Security Council has repeatedly called on North Korea to halt its nuclear and ballistic missile programs through various resolutions since the regime’s first nuclear test in 2006.



Peter Ritdung Wakkias is a Nigerian blogger and programmer, known for being the CEO of and He holds a Higher National Diploma in Computer Science from Isa Mustapha Agwai 1 Polytechnic Lafia. Based in Lafia, Nasarawa State.

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