Council and Nurses Commence Legal Dispute Over Revised Certification Guidelines

A group of nurses has filed a lawsuit against the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria and the Minister of Health, challenging the newly introduced certificate verification guidelines. The guidelines, issued on February 7, 2024, require nurses seeking certification to fulfill specific criteria, including possessing two years of post-qualification experience. Concerns have been raised that these guidelines could hinder nurses from pursuing opportunities abroad.

Under the banner of the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives, nurses expressed discomfort with the requirement for post-qualification experience and the lengthy processing time for applications. Protests erupted in Abuja and Lagos, urging authorities to reverse the guidelines. Dissatisfied nurses have taken legal action, suing the NMCN, the Minister of Health, and other relevant bodies in the National Industrial Court in Abuja.

The nurses seek a court order to suspend the implementation of the new guidelines pending the outcome of the lawsuit. They argue that the guidelines could infringe on their constitutional rights and limit their ability to pursue career opportunities abroad. The lawsuit aims to protect the interests and freedoms of nurses and midwives across Nigeria.

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