Tantita Security ServicesCredit: asabametro

Oil theft criticized: Company disputes Navy’s vessel apprehension

A private company, Tantita Security Services Limited, contracted by the Federal Government for crude oil pipeline surveillance, has threatened to unveil a video recording exposing an alleged dubious oil transaction involving Nigerian Navy officers in the creeks of the Niger Delta region.

The threat was conveyed in a press release signed by Tantita’s Executive Director of Operations and Technical, Capt. Warredi Enisuoh, and distributed to journalists in Warri, Delta State, on Friday evening.

Capt. Enisuoh justified the press release, citing the necessity arising from an earlier statement by the Nigerian Navy, which Tantita perceives as “defamatory and libelous” to the organization.

Tantita Security Services Limited’s press release stated, “On Thursday, December 7, 2023, the Director of Naval Information, Commodore Adedotun Ayo-Vaughan, announced to the public the Nigerian Navy’s apprehension of a 77-meter-long motor tanker involved in crude oil theft, along with its 17 crew members.

He went on to suggest, ‘It is believed that Tantita Security Services is complicit in these illicit activities because the Awoye riverine area, near the place of arrest, falls under TSS’s jurisdiction.’ TSS, in response to the vessel’s arrest by the Nigerian Navy, began raising what we consider false alarms, baseless, and indeed mischievous.”

“We are deeply disappointed that the Nigerian Navy would stoop to such a level by making unfounded accusations against our organization, fully aware of their falsehood.”

“Maybe they are unaware that there is video evidence capturing the interaction between Tantita operatives and the Nigerian Navy at the scene, and it has been forwarded to the highest authorities.

Consequently, we choose not to engage in a dispute with the Nigerian Navy, as we trust that Nigerians can discern the facts.”




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