Military Destroys Seven Illegal Refineries in Rivers State

The air component of Operation Delta Safe has executed operations resulting in the obliteration of seven illegal refining sites scattered across various locations in Rivers State. Additionally, military aircraft targeted and destroyed four boats loaded with illicitly refined products while en route southwards.

According to Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, the Director of Public Relations and Information for the Nigerian Air Force, these operations were carried out on April 12 and 13, 2024, targeting communities such as Idama, Ogbomkiri, Arugbana, Ivy Island, and Samkiri in Rivers State. The strikes significantly hampered the capabilities of oil thieves in their efforts to extract and transport crude oil illegally.

During the missions, an active illegal refining site in Idama was identified and neutralized. Moreover, armed reconnaissance over Yellow Island and Cawthorne Channel led to the interception and destruction of four boats loaded with illicitly refined products bound for the south.

Gabkwet further reported encounters with oil thieves attempting to establish illegal refining sites in Arugbana. However, upon detecting the approaching aircraft, they hastily retreated, showcasing the deterrent effect of the military’s presence in the region.

In total, the operations resulted in the discovery and destruction of seven illegal refining sites and four boats involved in illegal activities over two days. This continues the military’s ongoing efforts to combat economic sabotage and criminal activities in the Niger Delta region.

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