police1Anambra Police Station Set Ablaze by Hoodlums

The Neni Police Divisional Headquarters situated in Anaocha Local Government Area (LGA) of Anambra State fell victim to an attack by unidentified arsonists, as reported by residents who spoke on the condition of anonymity to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Awka. The assailants reportedly launched the assault around 2 am on Thursday, marking another instance of violence against law enforcement facilities in the region. This incident follows a similar attack on the Awgbu Police Division in Orumba North LGA on March 25, where several police personnel lost their lives.

Eyewitnesses recounted a harrowing scene of sustained gunfire preceding a loud explosion that engulfed the police station in flames. However, they were unable to confirm any casualties resulting from the incident. Anambra’s Commissioner of Police (CP), Aderemi Adeoye, confirmed the assault, assuring the public that there were no fatalities.

CP Adeoye asserted a connection between the Awgbu and Neni attacks, indicating that an intensive investigation was underway to apprehend the perpetrators. He emphasized the commitment of law enforcement agencies to bring the culprits to justice, promising that they would face the consequences of their actions. Adeoye refrained from divulging specific details of the ongoing investigation but reiterated the resolve of authorities to ensure accountability for the attacks.

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