Actress Abiola Adebayo fakes death after admitting to sexual relations with dogs.

Nollywood actress and podcaster Abiola Adebayo has disclosed that a young woman who allegedly killed herself after admitting on a podcast to engaging in sexual activities with her dogs due to addiction from past trauma faked her death. The lady, Adenike Adewodun, staged her death to avoid public backlash and legal repercussions for her actions.

Adebayo revealed this information in a statement on her Instagram page titled “Miss Adenike Adewodun’s ‘Fake Death Antics’.” She explained that after the podcast, they offered to provide therapy for Adenike, but she panicked and deceitfully faked her death. Adebayo and her team attempted to locate Adenike’s house to offer condolences but found it challenging and were emotionally disturbed by the incident.

While mourning Adenike’s supposed death, Adebayo and her crew noticed inconsistencies in the stories they were told by Adenike’s ‘sister’ and friend. This led them to investigate further, revealing that Adenike was still alive. They discovered this after the show’s director conducted a fact-finding mission and confirmed with the hospital that Adenike had not died.

Following the discovery, Abiola Adebayo reported the incident to the Nigeria Police Force. Adenike and her friend, who had announced her death, were arrested. During interrogation, Adenike admitted to faking her death due to the public backlash she faced after the podcast. Adebayo shared that this experience was a learning curve and highlighted the importance of verifying such serious claims.

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